Month: March 2013

Does Jesus Love Me?

He loves me? He loves me not?…Throw that daisy away! HE LOVES YOU!

Just look at what Jesus went through for us:Crown-of-Thorns

  1. Mark 14:6-8 – Jesus says that He will soon die and be buried for us.
  2. Mark 14:33-36 – Jesus experienced great sorrow in His soul for us.
  3. Mark 14:41-44 – Jesus experienced betrayal for us.
  4. Mark 14:50 – Jesus experienced loneliness for us.
  5. Mark 15:15 – Jesus was whipped and beaten for us.
  6. Mark 15:16-20 – Jesus was mocked and abused for us.
  7. Mark 15:24-25 – Jesus was crucified for us.
  8. Mark 15:33-34 – Jesus was forsaken by God His Father for us.
  9. Mark 15:37 – Jesus died…for us.

And…Praise Be Unto God! HE LIVES…so that you and I can have life!

How then can we not be assured of His love for us? How can we do anything but serve Him and love Him?

We love him, because he first loved us. 1 John 4:19